Haiyan county, hangzhou city, zhejiang province China Square Head Wood Screw Manufacturers Square Head Wood Screw With Turning Suppliers
The end customer is a project on a railroad project in a European country Product requirements: 1. 45-degree chamfering of the tooth pattern 2. 90-deg...
终端客户是欧洲某国的铁路工程上的项目 产品要求: 1.牙纹倒角45度 2.90度直角不能有折痕 3.表面光洁,平整 4.表面锌层要求8-10um 针对第二点要求,模具需要修改,工艺需要调整,从原来的长力臂压弯变为短力臂压弯,导致机器承受的力变大,机器受力大就会有加速机器损伤的问题,所以一般厂家不愿意...